Home is where the heart is. And I will help you and or your businesses find a place to feel at home. Whether you are buying or selling you've come to the right place. ​Home is where the heart is.
I am here to help you and or your businesses find a place to feel at home. SSincerely, Lena
A. Lena Silk, Licensed Real Estate Broker
26 Grove Street - Suite 201, Harriman, NY 10926
Office: 845.782.7109 Toll Free: 1-877-7VETUSA Cell:845.325.7039
Email: LenaSilk@Frontiernet.com www.OrangeRocklandWestchesterPutnamRealEstate.com

Education in:
Civil Engineering, Architecture,
Land Surveying & Construction.
Let my education & experience guide you to selling or buying your new home..
I'Specializing in helping all those that service our great nation of the USA. Veteran's, Military, Police Officers, Fireman, Union Workers, Teachers, Transit Workers, Sanitation Workers, Doctor's, Nurses,
Public Workers, etc.
DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE THAT LOOKING TO SELL OR BUY A NEW HOME? I love referrals! Please refer me to someone you know to receive your free Clock gift, as a Thank you to you!
100% financing & no closing cost - Is this possible? YES! Even if you're not a Veteran that served our country. It's called the USDA Loan - it's a rural loan, for areas not densely populated. Call me & let's talk about it. Sincerely, Lena me. I’m a great place for you .

"I understand - Your Life is in my hands"
For Exceptional Service -Call Lena Today - 845.325.7039
PurchasePower Bonus: Get up to $500 for your closing. Using Lena Silk & her Associates, not only gives your the advantage of working with an experienced Realtor, who is dedicated to finding you the best home for your needs, but will get you a credit - up to $500.
It's our way of welcoming you to your new home & saying thanks for your patronage. FHA, VA, USDA, Conventional Mortgages PurchasePower - up to $500 - Call for details.
Special Incentive for all who service to our Country and for using my services & associates. Call for details.
The PurchasePower Bonus comes at a time when having some extra credit will come in handy. Call me today for the PurchasePower Bonus to qualify! a
(great for you to tell a story and let your users know a little mo9((re about you.
Standard Operating Agreement: Click Here: